4 novembre 2021  13:45 – 14:05
Séance plénière

La durabilité environnementale dans un monde numérique

Description disponible en anglais uniquement.

Today, we are living in a world where cutting-edge technologies are redefining our lives. But what does it mean for the environment? On one hand, hyper-consumption, heightened energy, and mineral demands sap away at planetary resources. On the other hand, we see the potential of using data and technology networks to drive planetary scale intelligence, social proofing and green behaviors benefitting the planet.

Clearly, we are at a pivotal moment in history. Actions we take now could be the single largest opportunity to achieve the SDGs, or the largest risk to accelerate the destruction of our planet.

Working together with 193 countries, the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) focuses on addressing climate, nature, and pollution issues with a clear digital transformation mandate. Tune into the challenges, steppingstones, and the path ahead for UNEP and its stakeholders and partners as the organization gears up to achieve environmental sustainability in a digital world. Most importantly, learn about the opportunities where technology can fill the gap, because after all, this mammoth task will take much more than one organization alone.

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Programme des Nations Unies pour l'environnement (PNUE)
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