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Ramy Nassar (il)

Fondateur, 1000 Days Out

Biographie disponible en anglais seulement 

Ramy Nassar (he/him) is the founder of 1000 Days Out and author of the upcoming AI Product Design Handbook. With nearly 25 years experience in technology and as former Head of Innovation for Mattel, he leads presentations and workshops focused on AI and emerging technology & disruption and strategic foresight with organizations around the world.

Ramy previously served as Head of Retail Innovation for Mattel, successfully launching and leading the organization’s first Innovation Lab. He has led AI-focused workshops & strategic foresight initiatives with organizations including TD Bank, Rio Tinto, Genome Canada, Interac, Apple, Air Canada, Facebook, New Balance, Telus, CIBC, and the Federal Government of Canada.

Ramy teaches an AI + Design Thinking course at NTNU in Norway and in the Master’s of Engineering, Innovation & Entrepreneurship program at Toronto Metropolitan University. Ramy is an award-winning speaker & facilitator at international events including World Usability Congress, IxDA, FITC, AI Everything, AI Business Summit, and World Mobile Congress. He is fluent in English, French, and German.



FWD50 Extras : Prospective stratégique pour des organisations du secteur public plus résilientes

Il est plus facile et plus efficace de penser aux technologies émergentes dans dix ans que d’envisager leur impact dans l’année à venir. Contre-intuitif ? Absolument ! Ce n’est qu’un des sujets que nous allons aborder et explorer au cours de cet atelier interactif en ligne. En savoir plus.
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