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Sean Power (he/him)

Executive Officer & Entrepreneur-in-Residence, Indigenous Centre for Cumulative Effect (ICCE)

Startup founder. Indigenous executive. Focused on entertainment, AI, data, and gaming. Internationally published author (translated in 9 languages). Former member of MTV, Coradiant (acquired, BMC), Akoha, PostRank (acquired, Google), CoTweet (acquired, ExactTarget -> SalesForce), Dishcrawl (acquired, Dinner Lab), The Coveteur or Repable.

Currently CEO & Co-Founder at SOMMS.AI, and part-time Executive Officer & Entrepreneur-in-Residence at the Indigenous Center for Cumulative Effect.


Inspiring & Interacting

Open Science & Indigenous Knowledge: Challenges & Solutions

The panel objective is to discuss the importance of Indigenous Knowledge (IK) and Indigenous Data in obtaining a more complete understanding of the cumulative effects of industrial development on Indigenous territories and communities. See More.
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